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Monereo Meyer abogados

Abogados y notarios, Contables


Somos un despacho internacional de tamaño medio en España con 35 abogados, rápido, ágil, dinámico y a la altura de los más grandes. Nos caracterizamos por una marcada competencia intercultural, especialmente en relación con países de habla alemana. Desde nuestras oficinas en Barcelona, Madrid y Palma de Mallorca, asesoramos y acompañamos a empresas extranjeras en sus negocios en España.


Nuestro origen está en el asesoramiento a empresas de habla alemana, ámbito en el que somos líderes en España, y nuestro trabajo goza de una gran reputación dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras, naturalmente también a empresas nacionales. Gracias a nuestra alianza con el despacho estadounidense Harris Bricken, hemos abierto un US Desk, dando servicio a empresas de aquel mercado con interés en hacer negocios en España. De esta forma, seguimos afianzando nuestro posicionamiento como despacho internacional.

Algunos de nuestros abogados tienen cargos activos en asociaciones internacionales como IR Global, IBA y AIJA. Somos, además, cofundadores e impulsores de CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, primera y única red mundial de despachos de habla alemana, actualmente con presencia en 60 países en los cinco continentes.


Estamos recomendados por los prestigiosos directorios independientes Legal 500, Chambers & Partners y Who’s Who Legal.

The firm has a significant focus on serving the Spanish corporate governance, M&A, real estate and finance needs of clients from German-speaking markets. Interviewees note that a key strength is “the bridge they can make between Spanish and German law,” adding: “They can make the differences understood in the German language and while thinking about the specific German law elements, which are sometimes notably different.” Corporate M&A – Chambers Global 2018

Advises companies and individuals from German-speaking countries on a wide range of commercial and civil litigation topics. Benefits from the presence of several dual-qualified partners based in both Madrid and Barcelona. Stefan Meyer heads the German desk, while Michael Fries and Sonia Gumpert Melgosa are key contacts for dispute matters.
Dispute Resolution – Chambers Global 2018

Proven track record advising international clients on operations in Spain, with particular focus on the German-speaking market. Assists Spanish companies with M&A transactions in foreign markets and offers expertise in distressed matters. Also experienced in international joint ventures and company start-ups. Noteworthy work on behalf of clients with activity in the automotive sector.
Strengths Interviewees appreciate that “you can contact the senior lawyers easily and they have the experience and skills necessary. A high-quality performance.”
Barcelona, Corporate M&A (Band 4)- Chambers Europe 2018 –

Regularly retained for advice on civil and commercial litigation emanating from sectors such as luxury goods, telecommunications and transport. Particularly skilful at assisting German clients with their Spanish conflicts thanks to the team’s dual-qualified practitioners. Also represents private individuals. Notable activity of late in the retail sector.
Strengths Interviewees note: “It’s a firm with great professionals. The lawyers are efficient and give quick answers to all matters, without losing legal accuracy.” Barcelona, Dispute Resolution (Band 4) – Chambers Europe 2018


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