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Confidential Advisor Barcelona

Dienstensector, Overig (dienstverlener)
Certified Confidential Advisor / LVV-geregistreerd vertrouwenspersoon

What does a Confidential Advisor Do?

In every organization, employees may encounter undesirable behaviors such as bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, or aggression. Employers are legally obligated to provide a safe working environment for their staff, and appointing a Confidential Advisor is an effective way to fulfill these responsibilities.

The primary role of the Confidential Advisor is to promote a safe and supportive work environment where employees can thrive. They provide assistance to individuals reporting undesirable behavior, helping to de-escalate situations and put a stop to inappropriate conduct. Key responsibilities include offering guidance, support, and collaborating to find effective solutions.

The Confidential Advisor supports employees through every step they choose to take, from opting to take no action to initiating a formal complaints process, and everything in between. Throughout this journey, the employee retains full control and responsibility for the decisions made to resolve the issue.

The Confidential Advisor has three main responsibilities:

1. Providing support, guidance, and advice to employees.  

2. Educating, informing, and inspiring the organization.  

3. Offering both solicited and unsolicited advice to the board and management.

For more information and a free presentation on the benefits of having a certified Confidential Advisor to enhance staff well-being and productivity, feel free to reach out.

Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona

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